Why choose organic cotton over normal cotton for your baby?

When it comes to yournewborn baby,it’s natural to want the very best for them. But with so much information available, it can be tough to know what to prioritise and where to begin.

As any parent will tell you, the early days are some of the most precious. As such, you’ll want to give your baby the best start in life, which means protecting their sensitive skin and minimising their exposure to unnecessary harm.

This is particularly important, since newborn skin is especially vulnerable. Born with a protective coating called ‘vernix’, as this natural layer comes off, some babies may show dry or even cracked skin as part of the normal process. 

And as you may have experienced, babies are also prone to common skin ailments such as; eczema, cradle cap, milia, dermatitis, baby acne and nappy rash.

While there are some great creams and products on the market to help with this, prevention is always better than cure. That’s why many parents are choosing to opt for kinder fabrics, such asorganic cotton for their child’s clothes andcot bedding.

Even the NHS advise the following in relation to babies:Some fabrics can irritate the skin. Try to avoid wool and nylon and stick to cotton instead.

Not all Cotton is Made Equally

But alas, not all cotton is made equally.

There’s normal everyday cotton and organic cotton; and both have very different ethics and production values that should be considered.

Much has been talked about organic produce over the past few years. From organic food tosustainable cotton; but what does it actually mean? 

Simply put; organic goods are produced without the use of artificial chemicals. More specifically, in relation to organic fashion, the Soil Association explain:Organic fibres are grown without the use of synthetic fertilisers or potentially toxic pesticides.

O is for Organic

The big difference between ‘normal’ andorganiccotton is the way it’s farmed. Since cotton is the most popular fabric in the world, fast growing methods using artificial means have been introduced to keep up with demand. As a result, it’s estimated that conventional cotton producers use up to a quarter of the world’s insecticides. That’s a significant amount of chemicals, in contact with our everyday products.

In contrast, organic farming on the other hand, uses natural ways to build soil fertility, all without the use of chemicals. The result, is not only a high-quality, smoother fabric, but an ethically sourced one too, since it has less environmental impact.

In a society with a growing awareness on wellbeing, sustainability and focus on provenance, many of us are keen to make smarter choices. This is particularly true of parents, who feel the burden of responsibility the greatest.

Organic cotton muslin baby swaddle wraps

Reasons to Love Organic for your baby

There’s many good reasons to switch to organic; whether it’scot bedding,baby swaddle blanketsor the food you consume.

Here’s a few reasons whyorganic cotton is a better choice for you and your family:

High Quality

When it comes to the comfort or yournewborn baby, organic fabrics are far more durable and gentle on your little one’s skin.Organic cottonis a premium quality fabric in every sense. This is because, unlike mass-produced cotton,organic cottonis handpicked, which means that its fibres aren’t broken or reduced.

Because it is grown free from any nasty chemicals (such as fertilisers or pesticides) it also retains more of it's natural wax : the result is a much smoother and longer-lasting material.

hand picked organic cotton muslin

Better for Skin Sensitivity

A little-known fact is that organic cotton is hypoallergenic. This means that it won’t cause skin irritation, and is favoured by those who suffer from allergies. Withnewborn babyskin being particularly susceptible to the elements,organic cotton is a smarter choice many parents are opting for.

Read: What are Muslins Used For? (10 Brilliant Uses for Organic Muslin Square Cloths)

Better for the environment

There’s nothing quite like having a child, to make you stop and think about the world they inhabit and the future of our planet. We can all play our part to minimise our carbon footprint, by choosing organic.

Pesticides that are used in the soil and water during normal farming methods can filter through to our eco-systems, poisoning rivers, wildlife and more.

By buying organic, we are consciously opting for natural ways of farming, thus helping to reduce the harmful effects of chemicals on the land. As more and more consumers learn about the benefits of organic farming, we can slowly influence the way that products are made for the good of the planet.


Sustainable fashion has become a buzzword of recent times, with good reason. Being mindful of depleting global resources is something we will continue to hear more about.

The good news is that organic farming is more sustainable than traditional methods. Importantly, it does not use genetically modified ingredients. Furthermore, organic farming uses less of our natural supplies, such as water. This is because when organic cotton seeds are planted, they aren’t treated with chemicals. Farmers rotate the soil to help strengthen it, and because of this water is easier to retain. This means less demand on our global resources.


Ethical sourcing is a growing concern, as mass production increases. However, thanks to the advent of organic farming, those working in the cotton industry are today less exposed to potentially harmful chemicals.

Furthermore, The Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS), who maintain this standard also ensure that working conditions for the organic cotton trade are maintained to acceptable levels - showing that your choices are making a positive impact.

The Fabric of Life

It’s only when you start to think about its widespread use, that you realise how important cotton is.

From your little one’sbaby blanketthat they snuggle up to every night, to theircot beddingwhere they rest their gentle heads. Not forgetting, comforters, clothing, and of course swaddle blankets.  

That's why we only use organic cotton muslin for all the products in our collection. In a world of growing ethically minded people, we believe that organic cottoncontinues to be the smartest choice for your precious family.


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Ilaria Budgen

Ilaria Budgen

Founder of Little Blue Nest. Writing about all things motherhood related :)
